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tylxr's microblog and news site. Stay updated with the latest posts on web development, tech insights, and personal projects.

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Annoying guildmates is a time-honored tradition. The same for butchering your game's UI. Let's do both!

Details!, for the uninitiated, is a World of Warcraft addon that tracks damage, healing, and other combat-related statistics. It's one of the most popular addons for the game being used by, essentially, every player.

Details! also has a lot of great customization features, namely, the ability to set a nickname that is displayed in lieu of your character name. This is a great feature for guilds where people ... Read more

Woke up and was a little bit inspired to make the new Flash Card Maker app. (Web app? Program? Site? dunno...) I'm looking forward to using it when I (eventually) start studying for my Network+ and CCNA certifications.

This post also marks the first post on this microblog I'm working on. I'm not a huge fan of blogs but the concept is cool enough — plus the project will be fun to work on. I think. We'll see if I actually keep up with it

Anyway, really excited to ke... Read more